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HWK Factory Pasgemaakte Swart Rek Wrap Film Duursame Skeurbestande Film Swaardiens Rekfilm vir industriële gebruik




Introducing HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film by a top-notch and reliable packaging solution that's specifically designed for industrial use. This heavy-duty stretch film has been created using premium quality materials that ensure durability, strength, and tear-resistance. If you're working in an industrial setting, you know how important it is to have sturdy packaging materials that can withstand the rigors of constant handling, transportation, and storage. That's exactly what HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film offers - robust and dependable protection for your products.


Hard-wearing and long-lasting, this stretch film is perfect for wrapping Hongwangkang heavy-duty equipment, machinery, pallets, and more. With its maximum stretch and cling capability, it can securely wrap around your items and hold them in place, keeping them safe from dust, moisture, and other forms of damage. The black color also provides added privacy and security, as it prevents the contents from being easily visible to prying eyes.


HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film comes in rolls of different sizes and thicknesses to cater to your specific needs and requirements. You can choose from a range of options that include widths of 18 to 20 inches and thicknesses of 60 to 80 gauge. Moreover, this stretch film is customizable, which means you can have it tailored to your exact specifications - from the color, size, and thickness to the logo or design printed on the film.


The stretch film is also easy to use, saving you time and effort in the packaging process. All you need is to wrap it around your items and use a dispenser to ensure a tight and uniform wrap. It's also lightweight and compact, making it convenient for storage and transport.


Produkte Beskrywing
Stretch Film
Stretch Film is a revolutionary packaging material that utilizes composite PE film as its foundation, offering exceptional properties and cost benefits. This film embodies remarkable cushioning strength, scratch resistance, and tear resistance, all while maintaining a slim profile, ensuring its suitability for various applications. Its high tensile strength, outstanding tear resistance, crystal clear transparency, impressive retraction force, and pre-stretch rate of 400% make Stretch Film an unbeatable choice. The versatile material boasts waterproof, dustproof, anti-scattering, and anti-theft properties, offering versatile options for use in various industries. It is particularly effective in pallet wrapping, foreign trade export endeavors, bottle and can production, paper manufacturing, hardware and electrical appliance production, plastics processing, the chemical sector, building materials, agricultural products, food, etc. Overall, Stretch Film is indeed a necessity for all packaging needs. In conclusion, Stretch Film, a marvel of composite PE film, is a strong, durable, and versatile packaging solution for various industries. Its remarkable properties, coupled with competitive pricing, make it an indispensable tool for packaging needs.
Produk Paramenters
Oppervlakte (mm²)
Gauge length (mm)
Maximum force (kgf)
Treksterkte (kPa)
Elongation at maximum force (%)
Deformation at maximum force point (mm)
produk Wys
High Quality Stretch Wrap
Our Stretch Wrap is of the highest quality, characterized by a sleek, smooth cross-section that ensures seamless application. Crafted from premium materials, it delivers exceptional strength and durability, guaranteeing reliable performance in various packaging scenarios. The consistent excellence of our Stretch Wrap makes it the ideal solution for a secure and efficient packaging experience you can trust.
Customized Plastic Film
Our Plastic Film offers a wealth of customization options, allowing you to select or tailor the size, length, and color to suit your distinct needs. With a range of transparent, milky white, yellow, red, green, blue, or black options available, our versatile product is well-suited to addressing any packaging requirement. 
Durable Packaging Film
The Packaging Film presented by our company boasts numerous exclusive properties. It is characterized by immense flexibility, enabling it to be utilized in various packaging contexts with ease. Enhanced with remarkable hardness, it can effectively avoid breakage under different conditions. Meanwhile, the disproportionate level of transparency facilitates clear visibility of the packaged items. Due to its encapsulated water resistance, it efficiently safeguards your products from moisture-related damage. These distinctive attributes collectively make our Packaging Film the ultimate solution for all your packaging necessities. 
Colored Wrapping Film
Our versatile Wrapping Film is suitable for a variety of applications, from effectively securing items during logistics packaging and protecting against dust, to supporting crop growth and providing protection in agriculture. It is also perfect for privacy shipping, keeping the contents concealed. This multi-functional film is an essential addition to any toolkit, catering to diverse wrapping needs. 
produk Verpakking
Verpakkingstyl en etiketaanpassing
Ons span bestaan ​​uit hoogs bekwame en ervare senior verpakkings- en struktuuringenieurs. Hierdie professionele persone gebruik hul groot kundigheid, tegniese bemeestering en kreatiewe ingesteldheid om verpakking en strukturele oplossings op maat te ontwerp wat uitdruklik vir u produkte aangepas is. Hulle evalueer elke nuanse en optimaliseer ontwerpminimums, om te verseker dat u produkte veilige vervoer, berging en vertoon verduur. Deur dit te doen, verhoog hulle die waargenome waarde van jou produkte en handelsmerkidentiteit, wat jou van die kompetisie in die mark onderskei. 

Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd. Gestig in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd is 'n betroubare firma wat diep gewortel is in die 129ste industriële park van Lisonglang in Gongmingstraat, Guangming-distrik, Shenzhen. Ons maatskappy trek voordeel uit 'n rustige omgewing, tesame met maklike toeganklikheid. Ons is toegewyd aan die vervaardiging van hoë gehalte beskermende films/bande en is verbind tot navorsing en ontwikkeling, vervaardiging en verkope van hierdie innoverende produkte. Met 'n arbeidsmag van meer as 200 werknemers en 'n toegewyde produksie-area van ongeveer 15000 9001 vierkante meter, is ons goed toegerus om aan die groeiende eise van die mark te voldoen. Ons streef daarna om 'n mededingende voordeel in die mark te bevorder en ons bedryfsdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Daarom het ons ISO2008: 14001 en ISO2004: XNUMX bestuurstelsels geïmplementeer om ons verbintenis tot kwaliteit en omgewingsbeskerming te handhaaf. 

Ons produkte stop nie daar nie
Vennote en vervoer
Ons vennote stop nie daar nie
Ons maatskappy het 'n langdurige verbintenis tot produkinnovasie, streng beheer oor die R&D-proses en streng gehaltebestuur. Die voordele en lof wat ons oordeelkundige kliënte in hul keuse van ons produkte en oplossings verkry het, het ons samewerking met gewaardeerde en bekende handelsmerke aangedryf. 
Sterk logistieke stelsel
Ons logistieke en vervoervermoëns word versterk deur gevestigde, langdurige vennootskappe met prominente logistieke organisasies. Hierdie samewerking het gelei tot die vorming van 'n uitgebreide vervoernetwerk. Ons kundige spanne en gesofistikeerde stelsels hou noukeurig toesig oor die hele proses, van die aanvanklike versameling en sortering van goedere tot hul veilige en tydige aflewering by hul eindbestemming. Ons verseker dat jou verskepings akkuraat en doeltreffend vervoer word, terwyl hul integriteit behou word, sodat jy sorgvrye en gerieflike logistieke dienste kan ervaar. 
Hoekom moet jy ons maatskappy bo ander verskaffers kies?

Ons is 'n betroubare, professionele vervaardiger met meer as 'n dekade se produksie-ervaring. Ons moderne fabriek is toegerus met gevorderde, grootskaalse, multifunksionele masjinerie vir bedek, terugwikkel en sny. Ons gebruik ook die nuutste, volledig outomatiese verpakkingsmasjinerie, wat ons uitgebreide produksievermoëns ten toon stel. 
Watter afleweringsmetodes bied jy aan?
Ons bied 'n verskeidenheid van verskeping opsies, insluitend lug, see, land, en ander maniere van vervoer. Kies asseblief die mees geskikte opsie vir jou vereistes. 
Mag ek navraag doen oor die beleid oor voorbeeldaansoeke? Indien van toepassing, sou die ontvanger verantwoordelik wees vir versendingskoste?
Ja, ons bied die produk aan. Gestuurkoste is u verantwoordelikheid. As u egter tevrede is met die produk en grootmaataankoopopsies wil ondersoek, kontak ons ​​asseblief vir verdere bespreking. 
watter dienste kan ons lewer?
Ons erken die volgende afleweringsbepalings: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, Express Delivery, en DAF of DES. 
Ons aanvaarde betaalgeldeenhede sluit in USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY en CHF. U kan die gerieflikste betaalmetode kies, soos T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Kredietkaart, PayPal, Western Union, Kontant of Escrow. 
Our staff is fluent in English, Chinese, Spanish, Ja panese, Portuguese, German, Arabic, French, Russian, Korean, Hindi, and Italian.
Mag ons ons eksklusiewe logo/handelsmerketiket op die verpakking insluit?
Sekerlik, onder jou wetlike magtiging, kan ons jou persoonlike logo of etiket op die pakkie druk. Ons bied al vir baie jare pasgemaakte oplossings om aan ons kliënte se uiteenlopende vereistes te voldoen. 
Geagte klant, ons is verheug oor jou keuse van HWK. Ons sal pasgemaakte produkmonsters aanbied wat ons premium aanbiedinge bevat, gebaseer op u spesifikasies. Ons monsters is aantreklik verpak en word vinnig deur internasionale express gestuur om u gerief te verseker. Indien u enige verduideliking verlang, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie.