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HWK Fabriek Pasgemaakte Swaardiens Verpakking Karton Seël Gestuur Kleefband Duidelike Verpakking Tape vir Versending en Verpakking




HWK Factory Custom Heavy Duty Packaging Carton Sealing Shipping Adhesive Tape Clear Packing Tape is the perfect solution for all your shipping and packaging needs. This high-quality tape is designed to provide a secure and strong seal on all types of packaging, ensuring that your items arrive at their destination securely and intact.


Made from premium quality materials, this tape is strong, durable, and tear-resistant, providing reliable protection for all your shipments. Whether you're sending fragile items or bulky boxes, Hongwangkang's HWK Factory Custom Heavy Duty Packaging Carton Sealing Shipping Adhesive Tape Clear Packing Tape is the ideal choice for ensuring that your packages arrive safely.


With its clear color and high Hongwangkang transparency, this tape is not only strong, but it's also easy to use. Its simple design makes it the perfect choice for all packaging and shipping applications, from home businesses to large corporations.


Whether you need to seal boxes, envelopes, or other types of packaging, this tape is specially designed to provide a strong and secure seal that will hold up during transit. It's perfect for use with all types of materials, including cardboard, plastic, and corrugated boxes.


Moreover, Hongwangkang's HWK Factory Custom Heavy Duty Packaging Carton Sealing Shipping Adhesive Tape Clear Packing Tape is also water-resistant and can withstand changes in temperature, making it ideal for shipping items where weather conditions may be a concern.


Easy to use and affordable, this tape offers a reliable and effective solution to all your shipping and packaging needs. With its high-quality construction and reliable performance, it's no wonder that Hongwangkang's HWK Factory Custom Heavy Duty Packaging Carton Sealing Shipping Adhesive Tape Clear Packing Tape has become the go-to choice for businesses and individuals alike.


Produkte Beskrywing
Heavy Duty Packing Tape for Moving and Storage
The HONG WANGKANG Packaging New Material company presents an essential tool for various packaging needs, specifically our high-quality Packaging Tape. This tape is designed with a transparent surface base material that not only enhances visual appeal but also boasts outstanding bonding properties and high mechanical strength, enabling it to form stable bonds on a wide range of materials. The structure of the product is made with a high-toughness PET as the base material, which is combined with a reliable adhesive. Its usage is widespread in the logistics and transportation industry, as it provides a robust solution for sealing boxes, ensuring that packages remain securely closed during transit. This Packaging Tape is also ideal for sealing express items, providing an extra layer of protection. In industrial settings, it can be utilized for furniture repair and other manufacturing purposes. The tape offers remarkable durability, reliability, and performance, catering to both business owners who need to ship products and individuals handling household moves. In conclusion, the HONG WANGKANG Packaging New Material company's Packaging Tape is an ideal solution for a wide variety of packaging applications, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness. 
Produk Paramenters
produk Wys
High Quality Clear Packaging Tape for Sealing Cartons and Boxes
Our Premium Clear Packaging Tape stands out for its impeccable quality. It possesses a seamless, smooth cross-section, which facilitates easy application. The tape also facilitates clear printing, enabling the display of branding and instructions. It is ideal for sealing cartons and boxes, offering a strong and dependable bond. Its outstanding quality makes it the go-to choice for all your packaging requirements. 
Customized Eco-friendly Carton Sealing Tape with Strong Adhesive
Our Carton Sealing Tape is an eco-friendly product, offering superior customization to meet your unique requirements. Select or personalize the size, length, and color, including transparent or yellow options, with various printings available. The strong adhesive and eco-friendly nature of this tape make it an ideal choice for sealing cartons, providing a versatile and sustainable solution for your packaging needs. 
Strong Adhesive Packing Tape for Packaging Fragile Items
The Empowering High-Performance Adhesive Tape is ideal for the secure packaging of delicate objects, providing optimal protection due to its robustness. It boasts remarkable clarity with high transparency, ensuring labels and text underneath remain visible. This tape boasts exceptional viscosity, firmly adhering to diverse surfaces. Its captivating appearance also adds an element of professionalism to the overall packaging, elevating its aesthetics. 
Affordable Packaging Tape for Bulk Shipping
Our competitively-priced packaging tape is ideal for bulk shipping purposes. It is highly versatile and can be utilized effectively in various settings. In logistics warehouses, it is a reliable solution for securely securing multiple packages. In office environments, it can be used to organize and transport documents. In residential settings, it can help with preparing personal belongings for transit. When it comes to express packaging, it ensures that items remain securely sealed. This tape represents an affordable and trusted option for all bulk shipping demands. 
produk Verpakking
Verpakkingstyl en etiketaanpassing
Ons span bestaan ​​uit hoogs bekwame en ervare senior verpakkings- en struktuuringenieurs. Hierdie professionele persone gebruik hul groot kundigheid, tegniese bemeestering en kreatiewe ingesteldheid om verpakking en strukturele oplossings op maat te ontwerp wat uitdruklik vir u produkte aangepas is. Hulle evalueer elke nuanse en optimaliseer ontwerpminimums, om te verseker dat u produkte veilige vervoer, berging en vertoon verduur. Deur dit te doen, verhoog hulle die waargenome waarde van jou produkte en handelsmerkidentiteit, wat jou van die kompetisie in die mark onderskei. 
Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd
Gestig in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd is 'n betroubare firma wat diep gewortel is in die 129ste industriële park van Lisonglang in Gongmingstraat, Guangming-distrik, Shenzhen. Ons maatskappy trek voordeel uit 'n rustige omgewing, tesame met maklike toeganklikheid. Ons is toegewyd aan die vervaardiging van hoë gehalte beskermende produkte films/bande en is verbind tot navorsing en ontwikkeling, produksie en verkope van hierdie innoverende produkte. Met 'n arbeidsmag van meer as 200 werknemers en 'n toegewyde produksiegebied van ongeveer 15000 vierkante meter, ons is goed toegerus om aan die groeiende eise van die mark te voldoen. Ons streef daarna om 'n mededingende voordeel in die mark te bevorder en ons bedryfsdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Daarom het ons geïmplementeer ISO9001: 2008 en ISO14001: 2004 bestuurstelsels om ons verbintenis tot kwaliteit en omgewingsbeskerming te handhaaf. 
Ons produkte stop nie daar nie
Vennote en vervoer
Ons vennote stop nie daar nie
Ons maatskappy het 'n langdurige verbintenis tot produkinnovasie, streng beheer oor die R&D-proses en streng gehaltebestuur. Die voordele en lof wat ons oordeelkundige kliënte in hul keuse van ons produkte en oplossings verkry het, het ons samewerking met gewaardeerde en bekende handelsmerke aangedryf. 
Sterk logistieke stelsel
Ons logistieke en vervoervermoëns word versterk deur gevestigde, langdurige vennootskappe met prominente logistieke organisasies. Hierdie samewerking het gelei tot die vorming van 'n uitgebreide vervoernetwerk. Ons kundige spanne en gesofistikeerde stelsels hou noukeurig toesig oor die hele proses, van die aanvanklike versameling en sortering van goedere tot hul veilige en tydige aflewering by hul eindbestemming. Ons verseker dat jou verskepings akkuraat en doeltreffend vervoer word, terwyl hul integriteit behou word, sodat jy sorgvrye en gerieflike logistieke dienste kan ervaar. 
Hoekom moet jy ons maatskappy bo ander verskaffers kies?

Ons is 'n betroubare, professionele vervaardiger met meer as 'n dekade se produksie-ervaring. Ons moderne fabriek is toegerus met gevorderde, grootskaalse, multifunksionele masjinerie vir bedek, terugwikkel en sny. Ons gebruik ook die nuutste, volledig outomatiese verpakkingsmasjinerie, wat ons uitgebreide produksievermoëns ten toon stel. 
Watter afleweringsmetodes bied jy aan?
Ons bied 'n verskeidenheid van verskeping opsies, insluitend lug, see, land, en ander maniere van vervoer. Kies asseblief die mees geskikte opsie vir jou vereistes. 
Mag ek navraag doen oor die beleid oor voorbeeldaansoeke? Indien van toepassing, sou die ontvanger verantwoordelik wees vir versendingskoste?
Ja, ons bied die produk aan. Gestuurkoste is u verantwoordelikheid. As u egter tevrede is met die produk en grootmaataankoopopsies wil ondersoek, kontak ons ​​asseblief vir verdere bespreking. 
watter dienste kan ons lewer?
Ons erken die volgende afleweringsbepalings: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, Express Delivery, en DAF of DES. 
Ons aanvaarde betaalgeldeenhede sluit in USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY en CHF. U kan die gerieflikste betaalmetode kies, soos T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Kredietkaart, PayPal, Western Union, Kontant of Escrow. 
Ons personeel is vlot in Engels, Chinees, Spaans, Japannees, Portugees, Duits, Arabies, Frans, Russies, Koreaans, Hindi en Italiaans. 
Mag ons ons eksklusiewe logo/handelsmerketiket op die verpakking insluit?
Sekerlik, onder jou wetlike magtiging, kan ons jou persoonlike logo of etiket op die pakkie druk. Ons bied al vir baie jare pasgemaakte oplossings om aan ons kliënte se uiteenlopende vereistes te voldoen. 
Geagte klant, ons is verheug oor jou keuse van HWK. Ons sal pasgemaakte produkmonsters aanbied wat ons premium aanbiedinge bevat, gebaseer op u spesifikasies. Ons monsters is aantreklik verpak en word vinnig deur internasionale express gestuur om u gerief te verseker. Indien u enige verduideliking verlang, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie.