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HWK Factory Custom Self-klevende PVC Elektriese Band Vlamvertragende isolasie Waterdigte band vir bedrading




Introducing the HWK Factory Custom Self-Adhesive PVC Electrical Tape, a must-have for all your electrical wiring needs. This high-quality tape is made from premium PVC material, which makes it both flame retardant and waterproof. It's perfect for insulating electrical connections or patching damaged wires, and it's ideal for DIY enthusiasts and professional electricians alike.


With its self-adhesive properties, this Hongwangkang tape is easy to apply and can be cut to size as needed. It creates a strong, reliable bond once applied, ensuring that your wiring stays protected for the long haul. Plus, the tape is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, making it perfect for use in a range of environmental conditions.


One of the key advantages of the HWK Factory Custom Self-Adhesive PVC Electrical Tape is its flame retardant properties. Electrical fires can be incredibly dangerous, so it's important to take steps to prevent them from occurring. This tape is designed to slow down or stop flames from spreading, giving you added peace of mind and protection.


In addition to being flame retardant, this tape is also waterproof. This is essential for protecting your electrical connections from moisture, which can cause damage and lead to electrical malfunctions. The durable PVC material ensures that the tape remains secure, even in damp or wet conditions.


The HWK Factory Custom Self-Adhesive PVC Electrical Tape is customized to meet your specific needs. With a range of available colors, you can choose the tape that best matches your existing wiring or electrical components. And with the ability to customize the size and width of the tape, you can ensure that it's the perfect fit for your project.


Produkte Beskrywing
PVC elektriese band
The PVC Electrical Tape is a versatile and fundamental tool for various applications. Crafted from a sturdy PVC base material, this tape offers exceptional high-temperature resistance and insulation properties, providing an effective barrier against electrical leakage and shock. Its premium adhesive ensures a strong and durable bond, maintaining its performance even after prolonged use. The tape is highly resistant to aging and corrosion, ensuring its durability in various environments. It is commonly used in car parts repairs, cable bundling, electrician repairs, daily life fixes, and home appliance wiring harnesses. The bright colors used in the tape are also beneficial in organizing and color-coding for hassle-free identification. The PVC Electrical Tape is a reliable and efficient solution for various electrical applications.
Produk Paramenters
Total thickness of substrate
0.125 ± 0.1 mm
Tension resistance
2 kg/10 mm
0.16 kg/10 mm
Destruction voltage
<1000 PPM
Cadmium content
produk Wys
High Quality Electrical Insulation Tape
Our PVC Insulating tape features a sleek cross-section that guarantees smooth usage without any sticking issues. Most impressively, its superior insulation performance ensures reliable protection for your electrical circuits and appliances. Suitable for both daily home maintenance and professional electrician operations, our tape is a perfect choice, empowering users with confidence and ease in their work. Use it with peace of mind, knowing that your circuits and appliances are well-protected.
Customized Electrical Wiring Tape
Our Electrical Wiring Tape, customizable in size, length, and color, is made to meet your exact specifications. With an array of offerings ranging from the conventional red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, to unique hues like pearl white, black, and matte black, we ensure a comprehensive spectrum of color selection. The tape's smooth cross-sectional texture and exceptional insulation performance guarantee an excellent user experience. This high-quality product is ideal for use in electronic maintenance, industrial packaging, and various other scenarios, making it an adaptable choice catering to diverse needs. 
Self-Adhesive PVC Tape
The Self-Adhesive PVC Tape boasts exceptional attributes that set it apart from its counterparts. Its moisture-resistant nature ensures that its functionality remains stable even in humid environments. The powerful stickiness bolsters the tape's ability to persistently adhere to surfaces, preventing any chances of it flaking off. Moreover, its remarkable heat resistance enables continued functionality even in high-temperature environments. The tape also exhibits extraordinary conductivity, catering to various usage requirements. It is an ideal solution for both daily use and professional applications. 
Waterproof PVC Tape
Our comprehensive range of products caters to diverse applications in various industries. In automotive maintenance, our products excel in wire harness fixing and protection, ensuring safety and reliability. They are also ideal for outdoor scenes, efficiently managing wires and cables, and promoting a clean and organized environment. Furthermore, our products cater to home appliance maintenance, offering exceptional repair and protection for the internal circuits of electrical appliances. Irrespective of the scenario, our products prove to be a steadfast and dependable solution, making them an ideal choice for any application. 
produk Verpakking
Verpakkingstyl en etiketaanpassing
Ons span bestaan ​​uit hoogs bekwame en ervare senior verpakkings- en struktuuringenieurs. Hierdie professionele persone gebruik hul groot kundigheid, tegniese bemeestering en kreatiewe ingesteldheid om verpakking en strukturele oplossings op maat te ontwerp wat uitdruklik vir u produkte aangepas is. Hulle evalueer elke nuanse en optimaliseer ontwerpminimums, om te verseker dat u produkte veilige vervoer, berging en vertoon verduur. Deur dit te doen, verhoog hulle die waargenome waarde van jou produkte en handelsmerkidentiteit, wat jou van die kompetisie in die mark onderskei. 

Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd. Gestig in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd is 'n betroubare firma wat diep gewortel is in die 129ste industriële park van Lisonglang in Gongmingstraat, Guangming-distrik, Shenzhen. Ons maatskappy trek voordeel uit 'n rustige omgewing, tesame met maklike toeganklikheid. Ons is toegewyd aan die vervaardiging van hoë gehalte beskermende films/bande en is verbind tot navorsing en ontwikkeling, vervaardiging en verkope van hierdie innoverende produkte. Met 'n arbeidsmag van meer as 200 werknemers en 'n toegewyde produksie-area van ongeveer 15000 9001 vierkante meter, is ons goed toegerus om aan die groeiende eise van die mark te voldoen. Ons streef daarna om 'n mededingende voordeel in die mark te bevorder en ons bedryfsdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Daarom het ons ISO2008: 14001 en ISO2004: XNUMX bestuurstelsels geïmplementeer om ons verbintenis tot kwaliteit en omgewingsbeskerming te handhaaf. 

Ons produkte stop nie daar nie
Vennote en vervoer
Ons vennote stop nie daar nie
Ons maatskappy het 'n langdurige verbintenis tot produkinnovasie, streng beheer oor die R&D-proses en streng gehaltebestuur. Die voordele en lof wat ons oordeelkundige kliënte in hul keuse van ons produkte en oplossings verkry het, het ons samewerking met gewaardeerde en bekende handelsmerke aangedryf. 
Sterk logistieke stelsel
Ons logistieke en vervoervermoëns word versterk deur gevestigde, langdurige vennootskappe met prominente logistieke organisasies. Hierdie samewerking het gelei tot die vorming van 'n uitgebreide vervoernetwerk. Ons kundige spanne en gesofistikeerde stelsels hou noukeurig toesig oor die hele proses, van die aanvanklike versameling en sortering van goedere tot hul veilige en tydige aflewering by hul eindbestemming. Ons verseker dat jou verskepings akkuraat en doeltreffend vervoer word, terwyl hul integriteit behou word, sodat jy sorgvrye en gerieflike logistieke dienste kan ervaar. 
Hoekom moet jy ons maatskappy bo ander verskaffers kies?

Ons is 'n betroubare, professionele vervaardiger met meer as 'n dekade se produksie-ervaring. Ons moderne fabriek is toegerus met gevorderde, grootskaalse, multifunksionele masjinerie vir bedek, terugwikkel en sny. Ons gebruik ook die nuutste, volledig outomatiese verpakkingsmasjinerie, wat ons uitgebreide produksievermoëns ten toon stel. 
Watter afleweringsmetodes bied jy aan?
Ons bied 'n verskeidenheid van verskeping opsies, insluitend lug, see, land, en ander maniere van vervoer. Kies asseblief die mees geskikte opsie vir jou vereistes. 
Mag ek navraag doen oor die beleid oor voorbeeldaansoeke? Indien van toepassing, sou die ontvanger verantwoordelik wees vir versendingskoste?
Ja, ons bied die produk aan. Gestuurkoste is u verantwoordelikheid. As u egter tevrede is met die produk en grootmaataankoopopsies wil ondersoek, kontak ons ​​asseblief vir verdere bespreking. 
watter dienste kan ons lewer?
Ons erken die volgende afleweringsbepalings: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, Express Delivery, en DAF of DES. 
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Mag ons ons eksklusiewe logo/handelsmerketiket op die verpakking insluit?
Sekerlik, onder jou wetlike magtiging, kan ons jou persoonlike logo of etiket op die pakkie druk. Ons bied al vir baie jare pasgemaakte oplossings om aan ons kliënte se uiteenlopende vereistes te voldoen. 
Geagte klant, ons is verheug oor jou keuse van HWK. Ons sal pasgemaakte produkmonsters aanbied wat ons premium aanbiedinge bevat, gebaseer op u spesifikasies. Ons monsters is aantreklik verpak en word vinnig deur internasionale express gestuur om u gerief te verseker. Indien u enige verduideliking verlang, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie.