HWK Factory Custom Waterproof Cloth Insulation Tape is the ideal solution for all heavy-duty electrical wiring needs. Made from high-quality acetate cloth, this tape offers superior durability and resistance against water, oil, and other solvents. It is the perfect tape for anyone looking for an adhesive that can work in all types of environmental conditions.
This reliable and strong adhesive is perfect for electricians, contractors, and DIY Hongwangkang enthusiasts. Its waterproof and insulation features make it perfect for a wide range of applications, including bundling and wiring harnessing. The tape can easily seal and protect exposed wires and connections against dust, debris, and moisture, ensuring that your electrical wiring is safe and secure.
The HWK Factory Custom Waterproof Cloth Insulation Tape features an advanced rubber-based adhesive that offers high tack, quick adherence, and long-lasting bond. It is easy to apply and can be cut to any length required making it a versatile and practical product. This tape conforms to a range of curved and irregular surfaces and has exceptional electrical insulating properties. It can withstand high temperatures of up to 105°C, and has strong resistance to fire, making it safe and reliable for multiple applications.
Designed with electricians and other industry professionals in mind, this tape offers excellent insulation for electrical wires and is perfect for use in high and low voltage applications. It is also lead-free and RoHS compliant, making it eco-friendly and safe for everyone to use.
The tape rolls come in various sizes depending on your needs, starting from 10mm x 10m and going up to 48mm x 30m. It is also easy to write on which makes it perfect for labeling and identifying wires.
Acetate Cloth Tape
Acetate Cloth Tape is a premium packaging material crafted from a sophisticated blend of imported acetate fiber cloth as its base and coated with an intricate acrylic flame-retardant adhesive. Presented in a dashing black-and-white aesthetic, this tape boasts a plethora of outstanding qualities. These qualities include an elevated tolerance to high temperatures, the ability to withstand solvents, and commendable resistance to the effects of aging. Furthermore, it demonstrates a commendable insulation effect and possesses flame retardancy and a high viscosity. Despite its robust nature, it exhibits a stable and reliable performance. Its applications are vast and far-reaching, primarily used for interlayer insulation, as well as facilitating the bundling of transformers, electrical wires, mobile phones, computers, electronics, and more. Structured from robust materials, and with properties designed to cater to a myriad of demands, the Acetate Cloth Tape is an indispensable tool for a variety of electrical and electronic applications and is admired for its durability and efficiency.
Long term temperature resistance (℃) |
High Quality Cloth Insulation Tape
Formidable Cloth Insulation Tape, Commanding Distinction. Indulging in the finest Acetate Fiber Cloth as its keystone, emblazoned with Acrylic Flame Retardant Adhesive, unmatched materials are employed. The tape boasts a sleek, seamless cross-section and is accessible in Black and White. It exhibits remarkable resistance to high temperatures, solvents, and aging, as well as exceptional insulation, flame-retardant properties, and high viscosity. Its performance remains constant and secure, assuring reliable interlayer insulation and binding for various equipment such as Transformers and Wires. Distinguishing itself as an unyielding insulation tape
Customized Acetate Tape
Providing Personalized, Considerate Services We understand that customization is essential. Our acetate tape is available in a variety of sizes, with both customizable and optional dimensions to choose from. Our tape lengths are also customizable or can be selected from the available options. Our acetate tape features a diverse color range, including black and white, with additional options available upon request. To further accommodate our client's needs, we offer varied backing paper styles, including flame-resistant and non-flame-resistant options. We are committed to fulfilling your singular requirements, and we will create the most appropriate acetate tape to meet your specific needs.
Eco-Friendly Acetate Cloth Tape
Eco-friendly acetate cloth tape is an optimal selection, presenting environmental consciousness through its attributes. Its effortless tearing and user-friendliness, high-temperature resistance ensuring operational safety, combined with its high viscosity for secure bonding, establish its superiority. Moreover, it leaves no adhesive residue after removal, demonstrating exceptional performance while maintaining the principles of environmental protection. A perfect fit for electronic, electrical, and other sectors, it guarantees uninterrupted operation, rendering it a worry-free choice.
Acetate Cloth Tape for Electrical Insulation
Acetate Cloth Tape excels as an adept insulation material, catering to various applications including electronic, every day, electrical, and automotive purposes. The tape offers effective insulation for circuit boards, daily electrical appliances, equipment, or automotive wiring, ensuring reliable protection. Crafted with a high-quality acetate fiber cloth substrate and an acrylic flame-retardant adhesive coating, its thermal resistance and viscosity are excellent, making it a suitable option for insulation needs.
Verpakkingstyl en etiketaanpassing
Ons span bestaan uit hoogs bekwame en ervare senior verpakkings- en struktuuringenieurs. Hierdie professionele persone gebruik hul groot kundigheid, tegniese bemeestering en kreatiewe ingesteldheid om verpakking en strukturele oplossings op maat te ontwerp wat uitdruklik vir u produkte aangepas is. Hulle evalueer elke nuanse en optimaliseer ontwerpminimums, om te verseker dat u produkte veilige vervoer, berging en vertoon verduur. Deur dit te doen, verhoog hulle die waargenome waarde van jou produkte en handelsmerkidentiteit, wat jou van die kompetisie in die mark onderskei.
Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd. Gestig in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd is 'n betroubare firma wat diep gewortel is in die 129ste industriële park van Lisonglang in Gongmingstraat, Guangming-distrik, Shenzhen. Ons maatskappy trek voordeel uit 'n rustige omgewing, tesame met maklike toeganklikheid. Ons is toegewyd aan die vervaardiging van hoë gehalte beskermende films/bande en is verbind tot navorsing en ontwikkeling, vervaardiging en verkope van hierdie innoverende produkte. Met 'n arbeidsmag van meer as 200 werknemers en 'n toegewyde produksie-area van ongeveer 15000 9001 vierkante meter, is ons goed toegerus om aan die groeiende eise van die mark te voldoen. Ons streef daarna om 'n mededingende voordeel in die mark te bevorder en ons bedryfsdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Daarom het ons ISO2008: 14001 en ISO2004: XNUMX bestuurstelsels geïmplementeer om ons verbintenis tot kwaliteit en omgewingsbeskerming te handhaaf.
Ons produkte stop nie daar nie
Ons vennote stop nie daar nie
Ons maatskappy het 'n langdurige verbintenis tot produkinnovasie, streng beheer oor die R&D-proses en streng gehaltebestuur. Die voordele en lof wat ons oordeelkundige kliënte in hul keuse van ons produkte en oplossings verkry het, het ons samewerking met gewaardeerde en bekende handelsmerke aangedryf.
Sterk logistieke stelsel
Ons logistieke en vervoervermoëns word versterk deur gevestigde, langdurige vennootskappe met prominente logistieke organisasies. Hierdie samewerking het gelei tot die vorming van 'n uitgebreide vervoernetwerk. Ons kundige spanne en gesofistikeerde stelsels hou noukeurig toesig oor die hele proses, van die aanvanklike versameling en sortering van goedere tot hul veilige en tydige aflewering by hul eindbestemming. Ons verseker dat jou verskepings akkuraat en doeltreffend vervoer word, terwyl hul integriteit behou word, sodat jy sorgvrye en gerieflike logistieke dienste kan ervaar.
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Hoekom moet jy ons maatskappy bo ander verskaffers kies? |
Ons is 'n betroubare, professionele vervaardiger met meer as 'n dekade se produksie-ervaring. Ons moderne fabriek is toegerus met gevorderde, grootskaalse, multifunksionele masjinerie vir bedek, terugwikkel en sny. Ons gebruik ook die nuutste, volledig outomatiese verpakkingsmasjinerie, wat ons uitgebreide produksievermoëns ten toon stel. |
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Watter afleweringsmetodes bied jy aan? |
Ons bied 'n verskeidenheid van verskeping opsies, insluitend lug, see, land, en ander maniere van vervoer. Kies asseblief die mees geskikte opsie vir jou vereistes. |
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Mag ek navraag doen oor die beleid oor voorbeeldaansoeke? Indien van toepassing, sou die ontvanger verantwoordelik wees vir versendingskoste? |
Ja, ons bied die produk aan. Gestuurkoste is u verantwoordelikheid. As u egter tevrede is met die produk en grootmaataankoopopsies wil ondersoek, kontak ons asseblief vir verdere bespreking. |
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watter dienste kan ons lewer? |
Ons erken die volgende afleweringsbepalings: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, Express Delivery, en DAF of DES. |
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Ons aanvaarde betaalgeldeenhede sluit in USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY en CHF. U kan die gerieflikste betaalmetode kies, soos T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Kredietkaart, PayPal, Western Union, Kontant of Escrow. |
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Ons personeel is vlot in Engels, Chinees, Spaans, Japannees, Portugees, Duits, Arabies, Frans, Russies, Koreaans, Hindi en Italiaans. |
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Mag ons ons eksklusiewe logo/handelsmerketiket op die verpakking insluit? |
Sekerlik, onder jou wetlike magtiging, kan ons jou persoonlike logo of etiket op die pakkie druk. Ons bied al vir baie jare pasgemaakte oplossings om aan ons kliënte se uiteenlopende vereistes te voldoen. |
Geagte klant, ons is verheug oor jou keuse van HWK. Ons sal pasgemaakte produkmonsters aanbied wat ons premium aanbiedinge bevat, gebaseer op u spesifikasies. Ons monsters is aantreklik verpak en word vinnig deur internasionale express gestuur om u gerief te verseker. Indien u enige verduideliking verlang, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie.