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Purple electrical tape

A lila elektromos szalag csodái

Valami praktikusat keres az elektromos vezetékek biztonságának megőrzéséhez? Ne keressen tovább, mert a Purple Electrical Tape megmenti a napot, hasonlóan a Hongwangkang termékéhez, mint pl. tapadó pamut szalag. Lehet, hogy ez a termék olyan, amilyennek a feladatait teljesen elektromossá kell tennie.


A Purple Electrical Tape elsődleges előnye, hogy tartós és masszív, ugyanolyan, mint maszkoló szalag 6mm a Hongwangkang szállítja. Biztonságos hátlappal rendelkezik, amely öntapadó huzallal van felszerelve, így kevésbé van kitéve a szétválás veszélyének. Ezen kívül erős időjárásállósággal és hőmérséklettel rendelkezik, ami tökéletes kültéri használatra.

Why choose Hongwangkang Purple electrical tape?

Kapcsolódó termékkategóriák

Hogyan kell használni?

Using Purple Electrical Tape is easy, same with the szalag a festéshez manufactured by Hongwangkang. First, you need to make certain that the wires are clean and dry. Then, wrap the tape around the exposed wire, ensuring that it covers the insulation as well. Make sure to use enough tension the tape to ensure that it remains in destination. To produce a neat and tight finish to apply heat to the tape using a heat weapon or lighter.


The standard of the item and it is own customer service can create or break a business, just like the Hongwangkang's product called maszkoló szalag washi tape. Purple Electrical Tape takes customer service very seriously. This has a united group of experts who are ready to answer any questions you might have about the item. Their website try also user-friendly, making it easier for customers to navigate and find the right device to their needs.


Quality is something that will be compromised, never especially when it comes to work that was electrical, as well as the ptfe tömítés by Hongwangkang. Purple electric Tape are made from high-quality materials that ensure sturdiness and durability. It also meets all the industry standards and regulations, giving it is users peace of mind regarding efficiency safety.

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