HWK verksmiðju sérsniðin svört teygjufilma endingargóð tárþolin filma Heavy duty teygjufilma fyrir iðnaðarnotkun
Introducing HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film by a top-notch and reliable packaging solution that's specifically designed for industrial use. This heavy-duty stretch film has been created using premium quality materials that ensure durability, strength, and tear-resistance. If you're working in an industrial setting, you know how important it is to have sturdy packaging materials that can withstand the rigors of constant handling, transportation, and storage. That's exactly what HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film offers - robust and dependable protection for your products.
Hard-wearing and long-lasting, this stretch film is perfect for wrapping Hongwangkang heavy-duty equipment, machinery, pallets, and more. With its maximum stretch and cling capability, it can securely wrap around your items and hold them in place, keeping them safe from dust, moisture, and other forms of damage. The black color also provides added privacy and security, as it prevents the contents from being easily visible to prying eyes.
HWK Factory Custom Black Stretch Wrap Film comes in rolls of different sizes and thicknesses to cater to your specific needs and requirements. You can choose from a range of options that include widths of 18 to 20 inches and thicknesses of 60 to 80 gauge. Moreover, this stretch film is customizable, which means you can have it tailored to your exact specifications - from the color, size, and thickness to the logo or design printed on the film.
The stretch film is also easy to use, saving you time and effort in the packaging process. All you need is to wrap it around your items and use a dispenser to ensure a tight and uniform wrap. It's also lightweight and compact, making it convenient for storage and transport.
Liður |
HWK-SF20 |
Svæði (mm²) |
0.300 |
Mállengd (mm) |
50 |
Hámarkskraftur (kgf) |
1.148 |
Togstyrkur (kPa) |
37545.838 |
Lenging við hámarkskraft (%) |
504.076 |
Aflögun við hámarkskraftpunkt (mm) |
252.038 |
Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd Established in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd is a reputable firm deeply rooted in the 129th industrial park of Lisonglang in Gongming Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen. Our company benefits from a serene environment, coupled with easy accessibility. We are dedicated to manufacturing high-quality protective films/tapes and are committed to research and development, production, and sales of these innovative products. With a workforce of over 200 employees and a dedicated production area of approximately 15000 square meters, we are well-equipped to meet the growing demands of the market. We aim to foster a competitive edge in the market and enhance our operational efficiency. Therefore, we have implemented ISO9001: 2008 and ISO14001: 2004 management systems to maintain our commitment to quality and environmental protection.
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Við erum virtur, faglegur framleiðandi með yfir áratug af framleiðslureynslu. Nýjasta verksmiðjan okkar er búin háþróuðum, stórum, fjölvirkum vélum til að húða, spóla til baka og rifa. Við notum einnig nýjustu, fullsjálfvirkustu pökkunarvélarnar, sem sýna víðtæka framleiðslugetu okkar. |
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Já, við bjóðum vöruna. Sendingarkostnaður er á þína ábyrgð. Hins vegar, ef þú ert ánægður með vöruna og vilt kanna möguleika á magnkaupum, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur til frekari umræðu. |
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Við tökum undir eftirfarandi afhendingarskilmála: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, hraðsending og DAF eða DES. |
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Our staff is fluent in English, Chinese, Spanish, Ja panese, Portuguese, German, Arabic, French, Russian, Korean, Hindi, and Italian. |
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Vissulega, samkvæmt lagaheimild þinni, getum við prentað persónulega lógóið þitt eða merkimiða á pakkann. Við höfum veitt sérsniðnar lausnir til að uppfylla fjölbreyttar kröfur viðskiptavina okkar í mörg ár. |