HWK verksmiðju sérsniðin litaband Málarar Masking Crepe Paper Blue Tape 3m Paint Masking Tape til að mála
Introducing the perfect solution for all your painting needs - the HWK Factory Custom Color Tape from the trusted brand, Hongwangkang. This top-quality blue painters masking tape is designed to make your painting job easy and efficient, giving you the best results every time.
The HWK Factory’s Custom Color Tape is made from high-quality crepe paper, ensuring superior adhesion that will allow you to paint with confidence. This 3m paint masking tape is ideal for a range of surfaces such as walls, ceilings, floors, and even cars. It is perfect for DIYers and professionals who want a reliable and cost-effective tool to achieve a professional finish.
The blue color of this painters masking tape is a standout feature that sets it apart from the rest. The bright blue hue allows for easy visibility, so you can see exactly where you have placed the tape. This makes it easier to apply and gives you more control over your painting project.
One of the best things about the HWK Factory’s Custom Color Tape is its versatility. Whether you are working on a small project or a large one, this painters masking tape is up to the task. It can be used for various applications including edge strength and smoother finish. It is easy to peel off without leaving any sticky residue behind.
The tape is designed to withstand high temperatures and can be left on surfaces for extended periods of time without deteriorating. This makes it the best choice for indoor and outdoor painting projects that require precision and accuracy. You can use it with confidence, knowing that it will stay in place and deliver the results you need.
The HWK Factory’s Custom Color Tape is available in various widths to cater to different needs and preferences. Whether you need a thinner tape for detail work or a wider one for bigger projects, this tape has got you covered. You can also customize the length to match your project requirements
Tæknileg breytuvísitala |
Breytu |
Testing Standard |
Þykkt |
140 ± 10 μm |
GB/T 7125—1999 |
Initial adhesion (rolling ball method) |
≥10 # |
GB/T 4852—2002 |
180° afhýðingarstyrkur |
≥4.5N/25mm |
GB/T 2792—1998 |
Viðhalda viðloðun |
≥24 klst |
GB/T 4851—1998 |
Togstyrkur |
≥28 N/cm |
GB/T 7753—1987 |
Framlenging í hléi |
≤16% |
GB/T 7753—1987 |
Heat resistance (stainless steel plate) |
80 ℃*1 klst |
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How should the product be transported and stored? |
1. Masking tape jumbo roll must be stored and transported vertically to avoid damaging the adhesive surface through compression. 2. Paint tape should be maintained in its original packaging and stored in a temperate, dry location shielded from sunlight, cold, and high temperatures.
3. Colored masking tape's shelf life, when stored at temperatures between 15℃ to 35℃ and humidity levels of 40% to 75%, is 12 months.
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What are the precautions for using the product? |
1. The surface of the patch must be clean, dry, and devoid of grease or contaminants. 2. Applying sufficient pressure is mandatory when laminating with a pressure-sensitive adhesive. Failure to do so may result in undesirable effects on the adhesive's properties and appearance.
3. It is not advisable to use this product outdoors as it may leave an adhesive residue upon tape removal, potentially damaging the object.
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What environmental regulations does this product adhere to? |
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Uppfylltu ákvæði RoHS tilskipunar ESB |
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Af hverju ættir þú að velja fyrirtækið okkar fram yfir aðra birgja? |
Við erum virtur, faglegur framleiðandi með yfir áratug af framleiðslureynslu. Nýjasta verksmiðjan okkar er búin háþróuðum, stórum, fjölvirkum vélum til að húða, spóla til baka og rifa. Við notum einnig nýjustu, fullsjálfvirkustu pökkunarvélarnar, sem sýna víðtæka framleiðslugetu okkar. |
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Hvaða sendingaraðferðir býður þú upp á? |
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Við bjóðum upp á margs konar sendingarmöguleika, þar á meðal flug, sjó, land og aðra flutninga. Vinsamlegast veldu hentugasta valkostinn fyrir kröfur þínar. |
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Má ég spyrjast fyrir um stefnuna um sýnisumsóknir? Ef við á, myndi viðtakandinn bera ábyrgð á sendingarkostnaði? |
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Já, við bjóðum vöruna. Sendingarkostnaður er á þína ábyrgð. Hins vegar, ef þú ert ánægður með vöruna og vilt kanna möguleika á magnkaupum, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur til frekari umræðu. |
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hvaða þjónustu getum við veitt? |
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Við tökum undir eftirfarandi afhendingarskilmála: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, FAS, CIP, FCA, CPT, DEQ, DDP, DDU, hraðsending og DAF eða DES. |
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Samþykktir greiðslumyntir okkar eru USD, EUR, JPY, CAD, AUD, HKD, GBP, CNY og CHF. Þú getur valið hentugasta greiðslumátann, svo sem T/T, L/C, D/PD/A, MoneyGram, Kreditkort, PayPal, Western Union, Cash eða Escrow. |
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Starfsfólk okkar talar ensku, kínversku, spænsku, japönsku, portúgölsku, þýsku, arabísku, frönsku, rússnesku, kóresku, hindí og ítölsku. |
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Megum við láta einkamerki okkar/merkimiða fylgja með á umbúðunum? |
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Vissulega, samkvæmt lagaheimild þinni, getum við prentað persónulega lógóið þitt eða merkimiða á pakkann. Við höfum veitt sérsniðnar lausnir til að uppfylla fjölbreyttar kröfur viðskiptavina okkar í mörg ár |