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HWK Factory Custom Industrial Aluminum Foil Tape Strong Adhesive for Electrical, Insulation & Sealing Applications Србија




Electrical, insulation and sealing applications. This tape is uniquely designed to provide a strong adhesive and is built with high-quality materials that make it durable and long-lasting.


Made from industrial-grade aluminum foil, this tape boasts excellent conductivity and shielding properties, making it the perfect insulator for electrical wiring and cables. Additionally, the Хонгвангканг tape's high-temperature resistance ensures it can withstand harsh conditions without melting or breaking down.


The HWK Factory Custom Industrial Aluminum Foil Tape is also highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of sealing applications. It can be used to seal gaps in HVAC systems, ductwork, and piping, among others. The tape's strong adhesive ensures a tight seal, keeping out unwanted air, moisture and dust.


This aluminum foil tape is also customizable, meaning it can be cut to fit your specific needs. It is easy to use, and applying it is a breeze. You can use your hands to tear it or use scissors for precision cutting.


When it comes to quality, the HWK Factory Custom Industrial Aluminum Foil Tape stands out from the competition. It is made from high-grade materials and is manufactured to meet the industry's highest standards. The tape is also built to last, ensuring you get the most value for your money. 


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Производи Опис
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Трака од алуминијумске фолије
Aluminum foil tape is a game-changer in the world of adhesives. It's engineered with a powerful adhesive that sticks like a champ to plastic, metal, and glass. This means you can trust it to hold things together tight, whether you're packing up electronics or fixing a leaky pipe joint. It's built to handle the heat, making it perfect for high-temperature applications. In the kitchen, it can seal around your stove or oven; in electronics, it helps manage heat and shields against interference. The tape features a quality aluminum foil base, a reliable adhesive, and an easy-to-peel release paper. It's simple, even for the most basic DIY jobs around the house. From industrial assembly lines to home improvement projects, this Aluminum foil tape is the go-to choice. It's tough, versatile, and gets the job done right, every time. 
Параметри производа
Тестни стандард
Total thickness(mm)
Base material thickness(μm)
Адхесиве Типе
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Акрилни лепак
Н / Д
Resistance Value (mΩ/in²)
Не проводан
Не проводан
Не проводан
Не проводан
Adhesion Strength(G/25mm)
Shield Efficacy 10MHz~1GHz (dB)
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product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-57
product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-58
Приказ производа
product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-59
Our aluminum foil tape stands out with its exceptional features. 
Our Aluminum Foil Tape is built with attention to even the slightest details. The smooth cross-section guarantees clean and precise cuts every time, resulting in a seamless application without any gaps. The tape's sleek surface not only provides an excellent grip but also guarantees a tight and durable seal, ensuring a satisfactory result in any situation. From industrial and electronic settings to home maintenance tasks, our Aluminum Foil Tape is the ideal solution for achieving a reliable and convenient experience. Its focus on minute details demonstrates our commitment to quality, making it the perfect choice for various applications. 
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Custom Aluminum Foil Tape
Our Aluminum Foil Tape is the perfect selection for your needs. Offered in various sizes and lengths, our tape can be customized to cater to your diverse requirements. The material is characterized by its multifaceted features, including the options of additional backing paper, availability of glue, backing paper, and other related characteristics. Our tape is also available in different weave styles, such as fiber thread weaving, three-way clamping ribs, mesh clamping ribs, woven cloth, glass fiber, and more. It combines flexibility and personalization to provide an ideal application solution for daily use and professional projects alike. 
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Characteristics of aluminum foil tape
Our Aluminium Foil Tape boasts outstanding qualities, featuring a convenient tear-off and user-friendly design. Its remarkable conductive efficacy is evidenced by a Multimeter reading of 0.35, with an Electromagnetic Shielding Ability of 0.00, ascertained by an Electromagnetic Radiation Tester. The absence of adhesive residue after peeling it off guarantees a sparkling and pristine surface. Sufficient for both electronic equipment safeguards and everyday adhesion necessities, it represents the epitome of excellence and accessibility. 
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Application scenarios of aluminum foil tape
Our comprehensive array of products caters to a diverse range of applications, catering to unique demands in various scenarios. In the realm of industrial maintenance, our products ensure the seamless operation of machinery, while also guaranteeing the stability of electronic components during maintenance in the electronics industry. The automotive sphere also benefits from our products, which facilitate the repair of critical parts, enhancing overall vehicle performance. An added advantage of our products is their deployment in comprehensive roof leak prevention, effectively safeguarding against potential rainwater intrusion. Our products represent a valuable asset across a multitude of fields, including industry, electronics, automobiles, and construction. They serve as reliable problem-solving partners, providing durable protection and effective solutions for individuals operating in these sectors. These solutions optimize performance and work efficiency, ensuring peace of mind for professionals in various industries. 
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proizvod Паковање
product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-64
Стил паковања и прилагођавање етикете
Our team is comprised of highly skilled and experienced senior packaging and structural engineers. These professionals employ their vast know-how, technical mastery, and creative mindset to custom-design packaging and structural solutions tailored explicitly for your products. They evaluate every nuance and optimize design minutiae, ensuring that your products endure secure transportation, storage, and display. By doing so, they enhance the perceived value of your products and brand identity, differentiating you from the competition in the market. 
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product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-66
Изложба предузећа
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Схензхен Хонг Вангканг Пацкагинг Нев Материалс Цо., Лтд Established in 2014, Shenzhen Hong Wangkang Packaging New Materials Co., Ltd је угледна фирма дубоко укорењена у 129. индустријском парку Лисонгланг у улици Гонгминг, округ Гуангминг, Шенжен. Наша компанија има користи од мирног окружења, у комбинацији са лаком доступношћу. Посвећени смо производњи висококвалитетних заштитних средстава филмови/траке и посвећени су истраживању и развоју, производњи и продаји ових иновативних производа. Са радном снагом од преко zaposleni КСНУМКС и наменски производни простор од приближно КСНУМКС квадратних метара, добро смо опремљени да задовољимо растуће захтеве тржишта. Циљ нам је да подстакнемо конкурентску предност на тржишту и побољшамо нашу оперативну ефикасност. Стога смо имплементирали ISO9001: 2008 and ISO14001: 2004 management systems to maintain our commitment to quality and environmental protection. 
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product hwk factory custom industrial aluminum foil tape strong adhesive for electrical insulation  sealing applications-70
Наши производи се ту не заустављају
Партнери и транспорт
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Наши партнери се ту не заустављају
Our company has a long-standing commitment to product innovation, strict control over the R&D process, and rigorous quality management. The benefits and praise garnered by our discerning customers in their choice of our products and solutions have driven our collaboration with esteemed and renowned brands. 
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Јак логистички систем
Our logistics and transportation capabilities are bolstered by established, long-standing partnerships with prominent logistics organizations. This collaboration has resulted in the formation of an extensive transportation network. Our expert teams and sophisticated systems meticulously oversee the entire process, from the initial collection and sorting of goods to their safe and timely delivery at their final destination. We ensure that your shipments are accurately and efficiently transported while maintaining their integrity, allowing you to experience worry-free, nd convenient logistics services. 
Зашто бисте изабрали нашу компанију у односу на друге добављаче?

Ми смо реномирани, професионални произвођач са више од деценије искуства у производњи. Наша најсавременија фабрика је опремљена напредним, великим, мултифункционалним машинама за премазивање, премотавање и сечење. Такође користимо најсавременије, потпуно аутоматске машине за паковање, показујући наше широке производне могућности.
Које методе испоруке нудите?
Нудимо разне опције испоруке, укључујући ваздушни, морски, копнени и друга транспортна средства. Молимо изаберите опцију која вам највише одговара.
Могу ли се распитати о политици о узорцима апликација? Ако је примењиво, да ли ће прималац бити одговоран за трошкове слања?
Да, нудимо производ. Трошкови слања су ваша одговорност. Међутим, ако сте задовољни производом и желите да истражите опције куповине на велико, љубазно нас контактирајте за даљу дискусију.
које услуге можемо да пружимо?
Потврђујемо следеће услове испоруке: ФОБ, ЦФР, ЦИФ, ЕКСВ, ФАС, ЦИП, ФЦА, ЦПТ, ДЕК, ДДП, ДДУ, експресна достава и ДАФ или ДЕС.
Наше прихваћене валуте плаћања укључују УСД, ЕУР, ЈПИ, ЦАД, АУД, ХКД, ГБП, ЦНИ и ЦХФ. Можете одабрати најпогоднији начин плаћања, као што су Т/Т, Л/Ц, Д/ПД/А, МонеиГрам, кредитна картица, ПаиПал, Вестерн Унион, готовина или Есцров.
Наше особље течно говори енглески, кинески, шпански, јапански, португалски, немачки, арапски, француски, руски, корејски, хинди и италијански.
Можемо ли да уврстимо наш ексклузивни лого/ознаку бренда на паковање?
Certainly, under your legal authorization, we can print your personalized logo or label on the package. We have been providing customized solutions to fulfill our clients' diverse requirements for many years. 
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Dear esteemed customer, we are delighted by your choice of HWK. We will present tailored product samples featuring our premium offerings based on your specifications. Our samples are attractively packaged and swiftly dispatched through international express to ensure your convenience. Should you require any clarification, kindly do not hesitate to contact us.